You are likely educated, skilled in a trade, or own a business. You may be a doctor, architect, professor, lawyer, artist, mental health professional, or be retired. You may be a full time parent, a partner, a survivor, a vet, or part of a generations old local family ranch.
You are also likely to be relatively healthy and functioning well enough through most of life’s challenges. If you are like most of us, you have some experience with counseling, some internal resources, and some significant challenges that could use some professional focus. Perhaps you find some relationships confusing, frustrating, or stuck in a familiar dynamic. Maybe life has become overwhelming, bringing up anxieties or depressive thoughts and feelings. It is common for our sex life, and even our sexuality, to become overly complicated or inactive when life and relationship stressors weigh us down too much.
I consistently focus on relationship dynamics, life transitions, emotional and psychological overwhelm, sex and sexuality, trauma, self esteem, empowerment, and much more with my clients.
Let me know if I can be of any help for you and yours.